Obtaining a BSN Number

BSN Number (Burgerservicenummer)

The Burgerservicenummer (BSN) or Citizen Service Number is a unique personal identification number issued to residents of the Netherlands. It is essential for interacting with Dutch authorities and accessing various services. The BSN is used for a wide range of administrative processes, including healthcare, taxes, and employment.

How to Obtain a BSN

  1. Registration at Municipality: Upon moving to the Netherlands, you must register at the municipality (gemeente) where you will live.
  2. Appointment: Schedule an appointment at the city hall.
  3. Documentation: Bring necessary documents, such as a valid passport, proof of address, and employment contract if applicable.

The BSN is typically issued during the registration appointment. It is vital for everyday activities and accessing public services in the Netherlands.

How to Verify Your BSN

  1. Check Official Documents: Refer to your Dutch passport, ID card, or driving license.
  2. Contact Municipality: If in doubt, you can contact your local municipality for verification.

It is important to keep it secure and readily available for administrative purposes.

Number of Digits in a BSN

A BSN consists 9 digits. This number is unique to you and does not change throughout your lifetime.


The BSN number is an essential part of life in the Netherlands, providing access to numerous services and administrative processes. Knowing how to obtain, find, and verify your BSN is crucial for all residents, especially expatriates, to ensure smooth interactions with Dutch authorities and service providers.